That is wisdom from money-saving guru Clark Howard. He was one of my favorite guests ever. Jim and I love all of his books and advice about how to stretch a buck. He is a huge advocate for Sam’s Club, Cosco, anyplace that has “concrete floors”. In fact, many penny-pinching pros are big fans of wholesale stores. So WHY did it take me so long to check it out?! We went to Sam’s for the first time in at least 2 years and…Hallelujah!! It was a beautiful thing. They say part of the reason the prices are so low, is because the money isn’t being spent on flashy buildings or a pricey lease. The overhead is low, so the prices are low. I think I just never went because I had tunnel vision about Target and that’s the only place I ever wanted to shop. It’s still my #1 fave, but now I found this whole new world! Buying in bulk is super fun and you know how I love a good deal!! So my shopping pick of the week is definitely the wholesale stores. Just make sure you bring loads of cash and lots of cargo space!!
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Hi Brooke,
Have you really found the deals at Sam’s to be that great? I live in Manitowoc and have been to Sam’s a few times. However, when calculating the individual prices on most items I’ve found that I can get the same thing for the same price on sale. Even if it’s a few cents more I still have to pay for my gas to GB. I’ve heard paper products are a good deal, but that’s about it. What have you found?