I thought the time flew when I was working, that was nothing! It’s been a crazy week between my hair disaster, packing for our trip, and a few other things too. Oh, and I know I haven’t posted my “after” photo of my new hair! It looks MUCH better and I’m very happy with it. I’ve just been too busy to take another photo, but I will!!
Also, “You” magazine finally came out!! They did a good job and the boys were excited to see themselves in print! Lol. After reading the article I felt that I could have had a few more compelling things I could’ve said, but hopefully people will know it was from my heart. I was interviewed literally on my last day of work too and hadn’t even started my new “job” yet! Even after a few months, I have a slightly different perspective on staying home and wish I would’ve been able to communicate that at the time. Being home full-time is NOT easy and isn’t even always fun to be honest with you. At the same time, I would not change our choice for anything in the world. The memories we have made in the past 2 months alone have been worth it and I’ve had a chance to improve my parenting, help them become responsible, creative, and so many other things. I was watching 60 Minutes this weekend and they ran a fantastic story about high-profile women choosing to leave the work force and stay home with their kids. One lady said something so enlightening. She said: “I consider this time in my life, my retirement. When my kids are grown and gone, I can put all my effort into my job and sit back knowing I raised the best kids I could”. I totally identify and agree with that!! That being said, there are some days where I feel lonely and struggle with my identity now that I’m not working. Thank goodness I have my neighbor Bethani! I know I write that at least once a week, and Jim has been great but she relates 100% because she’s been home for the past 5 years. She is the mom I hope to be someday. Even financially, we haven’t suffered as much as we initially thought we would, and have still been able to treat ourselves every now and then. We still have cable, we’ve been able to eat out, and even next month we are going to New York! I think the trick for me is finding a hobby. Working out has been a huge release for me and I’m a better mom when I feel good about myself. So as long as I can balance everything then we’ll get this figured out. Well, I need to break up an argument as we speak…that’s my cue!!
P.S. Just to give your gossip fix: Did you hear that Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney are having problems already?! I guess she misses Jack White (her ex) and the two are having a rough time. I wish them the best, I hope that’s not true!! Also, check out the new US Weekly for all the crazy dirt on Jude Law and the affair with his nanny. They have an exclusive interview they obtained from the “Sun” and this girl TELLS ALL!! I really liked Jude Law, and Sienna is so cute….what a loser!!
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You Rock!!!
You are making me nervous about Kenny! He is my all-time favorite and I really don’t want to see something bad happen with him and Renee (even though I was upset when they got married). I think it will hurt his reputation and they’ll just become a 20 second celebrity couple just like everyone thought. Definitely keep me updated on this one!!