Ahhhhhh, I feel so much better today! A great night’s sleep, a relaxing day with the boys, and access to the internet! So I was able to catch up on all the celeb news and here are a few little tidbits: Michael Jackson has sold his story from the molestation trial to OK!. It’s a big magazine in the UK and he sold his sordid tale for $2 million. Actress Holly Hunter is expecting twins! I think that is great, and here is the kicker…she is 47! Also, Melissa Etheridge and her partner Tammy Lynn Michaels are expecting a baby. You might know all of that, but I’ve was in a black hole of gossip for the past week so it’s all news to me!:) Also, I keep getting e-mails asking what’s up with Kenny Chesney and Renee! A few weeks ago I heard their marriage was on the rocks. Since then, no news. I don’t know anything else but when I hear anything, I’ll let you know.:)
Just a quick overview about our trip! I had no idea how much our family needed this vacation until we were there! The boys had an absolute blast and played with their cousins, and friends. We also spent the day at a family friend’s house on the lake. I went tubing for the first time! My wipe-out was not graceful at all, but at least my suit stayed on! lol. Jim also LOVED golfing! He had a great time and he hasn’t stopped talking about it since! It was also amazing to see my dad really interact with the boys. Now that they are a little older they can play baseball and do things with their grandpa. My parents watched the boys a lot and it gave Jim and I a chance to have quality couple time and not worry about the boys. I can’t even tell you how fun it was! So now back to reality!:) Our trip to NY is about 3 weeks away, and then Gabriel starts school! The calendar is BOOKED solid with events and stuff coming up and it’s going to be hectic! I just realized that 2 months ago today was my last day at work. I’m still having days where I miss it terribly. Especially hearing other people on the radio (specifically when we were in Ohio) it’s like “NOOOO, don’t say that” or “I could do a better job”! Lol. It’s always easy to sit and critique someone else when you are on the outside!:) Well I need to go clean. More tommorrow!!:)
Welcome back Brooke,
Glad to hear you had a great vacation!!
Rachel :}
Welcome Back Brooke! Glad that you enjoyed your vacation! Keep posting the gossip. I love to hear it. I miss hearing you in the mornings!
Glad you had a good time.