Tomorrow is my oldest son, Gabriel’s birthday. Just writing those words make me tear up and I don’t know why! Lol. It’s not like he’s 16 and learning to drive, or 18 and graduating high school. He’s just going to be 4! Still, each year I have an emotional time coming to terms with the fact that my boys are growing up (I will probably be a wreck when they DO turn 18 at this pace!). I am just so proud of them, and each day it seems like they are individually growing leaps and bounds and learning SO much. Gabriel is thriving in preschool and today I spied on him through the window of his classroom. It was like I got a glimpse of my baby, growing up before my very eyes! With his birthday approaching I backtrack to when I was pregnant (as most parents do, I imagine) and the excitement as we tried to guess his gender. We opted not to find out if he would be a boy or girl, but towards the end, I think Jim and I both had a strong conviction that he would be our first son. I will always remember the moment the doctor said “It’s a BOY” and I was able to meet my Gabriel for the first time. Anyway, I guess today is just kind of a day of reflection and appreciation of Gabe, and all that he’s accomplished in his 4 little years. I think gong to St. Jude Children’s Hospital forever changed my view on life, and what it means to have a healthy child. That might be where some of the tears are coming from, just feeling really grateful I guess. Tomorrow we are having family over and that will be such a blessing. We’ve never lived close to relatives and I am just giddy at the thought we can share this special day together. We are doing an Army theme and tonight we are getting his present (a Leapster…shhh). I better, run, lots to do before the big day! Plus I need another tissue!
ablessedmess! says
Hi Brooke and welcome to the area. I am a mother of two as well beautiful little one too. A three year old boy and 14 month old little girl. I am writing to say I love the Fish in the morning. During our craziest time of day it pulls it all together after getting ready and out the door and on our way to “school” daycare – and work. Happyiest of Birthdays to Gabe! I teared up just reading your page. God bless your family!