That pretty much sums up life at this moment. My schedule, my belly, my relationships, everything is very full right now. For starters, I am going to Maria Giallanza Salon tomorrow to get my hair done, they are breaking ground on our new house, and we are checking into a hotel in downtown Cleveland for a few days! Oh yeah, and that is just on the agenda for tomorrow!:) My belly is full because my mom keeps making these gut busting home-cooked meals (with dessert) that I can’t resist. We’ve been taking turns cooking but my low-fat diet plans having been cutting it.:) My relationships are full because we’ve had the chance to really grow with our family (immediate and extended) and connect with old friends I haven’t heard from in years. Last week I came into work, opened an e-mail, and just about fell out of my chair! My oldest, dearest friend whom I lost contact with 12 years ago…found me! She saw my commercial on TV and recognized me (surprising in and of itself considering the last time she saw me I was 15 years old with huge brown glasses and frizzy hair shaped like the top of a mushroom)!:) Still, she somehow knew it was me, went to the website and tracked me down. We met when I was 11 years old at the “Carol Crane’s Children’s Theater” where I was playing Little Red Riding Hood” and she was one of the “Three Little Pigs” (it was a multi-fairy-tailed production).:) Anyway, from the moment we met, we were inseparable! She was my saving grace during a time when I really needed a best friend. Plus, she lived about 5 minutes from Cedar Point, so we went EVERY DAY, followed boys around, rode the rides and saw the singing shows over and over. After I moved to WI we visited each other a few times, but slowly lost contact. So it totally made my day to hear from her out of the blue. I think next week we are going to do lunch …. we have so much to catch up on!
The boys are doing great and they are really anxious for our Cleveland trip. Jim and I planned this so we could explore the city, give the boys a chance to swim at the hotel and see new sights, and give us a little alone-family time. I just think God is so funny because I prayed, complained, begged, and wished for years that we could live close to family. Well, considering that we are temporarily living WITH my parents…I think he came through on that one! Our house should be ready by mid-December though and this bonding time has been really priceless for the kids. Well, my time is up, I need to help mom with supper (homemade pizza tonight=500 calories per piece)! Yum.
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