I have come to realize that there actually a lot of similarities between those two! Except I lucked out on the wedding planning and never had to deal with the monumental details that, (knowing me) probably would’ve given me an ulcer.:) We had such a super small, informal wedding (and it happened so fast) that we were spared all the planning and preparation that goes into a big ceremony. With building a new house…TOTALLY different story! I have been losing sleep, and obsessing about our new home and everything that goes with it. I’ve been talking Jim’s ear off about decorating ideas, new furniture we need, budgeting..etc. I have learned that honestly, all he wants to know is how much it costs and where he needs to put it!:) He wants me to handle all of the little details that go into moving into a new home. Isn’t that usually how the wedding goes (the woman plans and the guy just goes with the flow)?!:) So here I am, left to try and figure out the wallpaper, carpeting, themes for the boy’s rooms, furniture choices, and what-goes-where. By the sound of it, you would think we are moving in this month but the house won’t even be finished until mid-December.:) The nice part is that I happen to have a cousin who is an Interior Designer. She is coming over Friday to go over a few ideas that have been swimming in my head and I’m so grateful I have a professional who can offer some insight! I always have these elaborate pictures of how I want the room to look, but I can never put it together once I try to decorate! So that’s been the big brainstorm in my head lately. If you know of anyone who can finish a basement, or paint a faux finish on the walls..let me know!:) I could use all the help I can get at this point and goodness knows I can’t tackle those tasks by myself. We tried in our last home and I did learn a lot (mostly that we need to just pay someone ELSE to do that stuff from now on)!:)
Anonymous says
Calm Down. Take a deep breath. Hopefully the pro will tell you with a new home some things must wait. New constructions settles. So things like wall paper should not be done for a while. Worry only about the must haves, or items that need to be built around. Other items can be phased in. I know with 2 little ones, the spring rains, and a yard that will be having landscaping done. I would wait on some of the really nice stuff.
Plus if you wait you can see the flow of the house, and take some nice spring trips around the area to find those special pieces.
Rachel says
Don’t Worry Brooke! I am right there with you! I completely know what your going through. Our home is to be done at the end of December. I didn’t realize how much thought went in to a house. When they asked if we wanted ridge vents or roof pods we didn’t know what they were. I know you’ll do great. Just keep the faith.
: ]
Brooke Taylor says
Thanks Ladies!
I needed that.:) I always seem to over-think and over-stress out about things like this and I appreciate your encouragment. Rachel-I wish you the best in your home building experience too! Hope everything turns out just as you had hoped.
Thanks again for the great comments.
Beckie =] says
I’m sure everything will go well. God has you in his plan, and he’ll take good care of you.
one more thing: Thanks for the mornings on the fish, i LOVE listening to them!!
Anonymous says
I planned my wedding in 1 week (because my now husband was being sent to Kuwait)and I still managed to have 175 people there. So, with the comparison with building a house, haven’t done that yet, but I know the high stress of planning and doing the details by yourself. So my sympathy is with you!