Can you believe it?!?! I think life flies by us at warp speed, and the holidays are the only time time I ever sit down to take a deep breath and try to absorb it all. Most of the time it’s all a big blur but I think every now and then it’s important to sit down and take stock of all the blessings, god/bad events, and memories over the past year. Yesterday we went shopping for house accessories and it was so nice to hear Christmas music in all the stores. I’m sure in 6 weeks I will be totally sick of it but for now, it is so comforting! We also bought a Christmas tree…well more of a wanna-be-Christmas tree really.:) We have two trees in our house up in Wisconsin but we aren’t going back there until AFTER Christmas so, looks like we are stuck! My parents have a huge tree but since they are now in a condo, it’s too big and they don’t put one up anymore since the kids are all grown anyway. Still, I was not about to let my boys go without a tree this year just because we are displaced from a home (hehe) so we compromised. We bought a tiny, tacky looking gold glitter tree on sale for a few bucks. It’s hilarious and if nothing else, we’ll have a good laugh when we look back at hold photos of this Christmas. Besides, it’s not the tree that makes the holiday’s about Jesus, family, and the spirit of giving (to us anyway) so I know it will be a great time no matter what. We found out yesterday that we won’t be in our new house until Dec. 28 th though (boohoooo!!!) I was SO bummed out! Originally it was Dec. 15th, then they told Jim to “guarantee” it would be no later than Dec. 26th. Now we got the official paper work and closing dates, etc and sure enough, it’s the 28th. I know that building a home is anything but predictable so I totally understand, it’s just hard because I am so anxious to have our own place again. I guess that’s pretty much the update. Jim is off all weekend and it’s the first time since we moved that we can hang out as a family with NO commitments or scheduled events! It is SOOOOO nice to just go with the flow and not feel stressed out or rushed, just nice relaxing family bonding time.:) Speaking of which, I better get back to the boys!! Have a great weekend.
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Hey there Brooke….don’t remind us!!! I haven’t even started the shopping yet!!! OH MAN, OH MAN!!! It’s like you just finish paying off one thing and you gotta get something else…hey thats called life!!! Anyway glad to see that your house is finally coming in order (sort of!)…just think of it as a late Christmas gift!!! Well gotta run…bye!