Just a quick update today. I have been so exhausted this week, thank goodness for naps! There is so much going and I was just looking at the December calendar and it’s booked solid until we leave for Green Bay! Jim’s 30th birthday is Sunday, Gabe’s very first school-Christmas program is coming up, and my big ultrasound is 2 weeks away!! We are also making lists and trying to get our shopping done for Christmas. I thought we had a ton of time but I realized that December is HERE and I need to get moving!:) Over the weekend I ordered some new maternity clothes from Babystyle and I have to say, if you are in the market for baby or preggo items, now is a great time to save! My only gripe is the models NEVER even look remotely pregnant so it’s very difficult to visualize how the clothes would fit a normal person. Lol. Why do they do that….no one looks like that in the real world at 20-30 weeks! But I digress. Anyway, they have great quality items and I found a shirt for like $2.00 (usually $30) so we are talkin’ GOOD deals! I still have an entire box of mat. clothes sitting in our old house in Green Bay so it’s been slim pickins’ for the past few weeks as my belly has slowly gotten bigger. Well I have to start supper and take the boys to the Y so my time is up! Enjoy the last day of November!!
The website is: www.babystyle.com
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