I have yet to post a picture of my growing belly but I think I found someone that looks similar!! I ran across a photo of Gwenyth Paltrow (who is also rumored to be due in May, but no announcement has been made). Obviously she is gorgeous and slim, so that part I am not comparing!:) Still, it’s almost the “spare-tire” look (gosh that sounds horrible) but it’s the only comparison I could think of. This is pretty much what my belly looks like at this point. I’m unable to post the actual picture due to copyright laws but, here is the link if you are interested!! Obviously you can tell I have some time on my hands today.:)
Anonymous says
Hi Brook, I am expecting and due May 24, I feel as though I am huge. However, I have been very sick and I have only gained 3 pounds. But, I feel as though I am loosing weight in my rear and my legs and putting it on in my stomach. Hope all is going good for you.