Today I saw my Dr. and everything looks great! Whew. This is usually about the time I first start to breathe easy and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to hear a strong heartbeat! The boys were excited too and Gabe’s eyes got so big when he realized what it was.:) He wants to name the baby: Carrot Eliza. Hmm, I wonder if that means we are having an orange-haired little girl?! A month from now we’ll know girl/boy! I was also given the news that I have gained a total of 5 pounds in 14 weeks. Ugh, that stinks! Even more shocking, I can’t believe I just posted that for the world to see!! Lol. It’s really not a big deal but if you followed my last pregnancy you’ll remember how closely I watched my weight before too. It all started with my first pregnancy when I gained over 50 lbs and learned the HARD way that it’s not easy to take that off!! Apparently I went overboard with the oreos and junk food but I learned my lesson from then on. So I’m not obsessive about my pregnancy weight, I just try to be smart and careful with what I eat. Well that is the update for now!!:) I have a little window while the boys are sleeping to lay down and nap too…I better go!:)
MicHeL says
HeLLo Brooke,
My name is Michel.. My computer’s class teacher told us to leave comment on other’s blog and I came across yours..(Finally I found a happy blog!!) So, I just wanna drop you a line sayin’.. ~*Congratulation*~ with your baby..
I will keep coming back on ur blog.. (‘Coz I wanna find out is a girl or boy too.. hehe~)
but if you don’t want me to leave any msg., just let me know too..
Take care,
Anonymous says
CJ is gonna be beautiful!!!! 🙂