….with this outfit!! Is girl clothing really this adorable?! Quite honestly, I never look because I just have blinders on for the boys dept. I don’t even like to browse the pink clothes just because I’m too focused on shopping for Gabe and Grant. Well, I have officially put this outfit in the “If it’s a girl…” category! So many of my friends, family, even Jim are telling me this baby will be our daughter but I’m seriously just trying not to listen or feel influenced by any of that. It seems like everyone said that last time, and I went I heard “looks like a little boy” during my ultrasound, there was actually a small part in the back of my mind that felt sad. I am ashamed to admit that, and obviously I fell head over heels in love with Grant from that day forward but still, I regret listening to people and believe it was a girl before I really knew for sure. So this time I don’t know, I don’t care, and either way we will be over the moon with happiness!:)
Yesterday I met with my oldest friend in the whole world! My best friend Beth and I re-connected after losing touch for the past 10 years. After I moved away to WI we drifted apart but she was able to track me down once she saw my commercial and we finally got together! Wow what a fantastic time. She is just as hilarious as I remember and we laughed non-stop about old memories and stuff that has happened in our lives over the past decade. That was the best time I’ve had in so long! Well I have an update on the mini-van situation but I have to run because the boys are hungry and I need to start supper. I’ll be back soon with the latest!:)
Brenda from WI says
Yes, Brooke, girl’s clothes really are adorable. I try to put blinders on myself because I also have a son, however, I usually end up looking at girl’s clothes and wondering if I know anyone with a little girl I could buy for. If you do have a girl, just wait until you see what you’ve been missing. Have a happy day 🙂