Today my order from Babystyle came in the mail and oh how I LOVE my Chiarakruza pants! It’s so hard to find cute maternity clothes that look trendy and actually FIT! These are just perfect and best of all, they were on sale!! Since this is my third time around, I have pretty much figured out what brands of maternity clothes are the most flattering (for my akward shape anyway). As far as pants go, I highly recommend Juliet Dream, Bella Dahl, NOM, and now I am adding Chizarakruza to that list! They are a little pricey but Babystyle carries that line and you can get a great discount if you find the right sale! Most of my clothes are stuck in WI so it’s been a challenge to find something…anything, that will fit and it felt great to slip into a pair of pants that looked good (finally)!:)
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