I am on an Anne Geddes kick lately! If you haven’t been to her site in a while, check out: www.annegeddes.com. They have added a lot of new items like clothing, diaper bags, and all sorts of really good Christmas-gift ideas. This picture just melts my heart (along with the other photo on this page…if you scroll down a bit).
Today I was actually going to post a few pictures from Gabe’s preschool Christmas program but, I decided not too. I don’t know, lately I just feel very leary about what I write and share. This has been such a personal release for me for over 2 years but a part of me is just very guarded right now. A few people have e-mailed me asking when I am going to post a belly shot but…I just don’t know if I’m going too at all. That’s all I can really say.
Anyway, time is getting closer until the big ultrasound this week. We had to rearrange Jim’s schedule but he will be there for sure, camera in-hand! This time we are going to capture the big announcement on video, I thought that might be fun for our child to see someday. Well the boys are finally napping and I have to start supper, better get going!:)
Anonymous says
Hey Brooke, as much as we love to see family pictures, I am sure everyone totally understands… I love to see your updates, but you can’t be too cautious these days…