Hang on, let me wipe the ton of tears off my face so I can write this! Thanks to the comment from DD about the video for “When I Get Where I’m Going” I decided to see if I could find it online. She was right, you need a tissue…or a box!! You can pull it up on Yahoo music and see the entire video, and I think cmt.com has it also. Wow, as if the song wasn’t amazing enough, the video just makes you melt in your chair, hug your loved ones, and appreciate the memories of the ones we’ve lost. Yes I know this is super sappy today but the video is just THAT good, I’m tellin’ ya.:)
By the way DD: Yes, I think that is a famous ice skater in the video (I can’t remember his name), along with Ronald Reagan’s son, Dale Earnhardt’s wife, and other famous people who have lost a loved one too (Dolly is showing a picture of her dad).
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The figure skater in the video is Scott Hamilton.
I watched the vidio on CMT. com it made me cry. You are so right. I wathced it with a friend and she thought it was very emotional also. I’m 27 weeks along and I think that has something to do with it.
My grandpa died on January 24 and my mom and I requested that they play this song at his funeral. I cried through the whole song – it was the perfect song to honor my wonderful grandpa.