Hey thanks for all of the great comments lately! My last few posts have some nice feedback so thank you for chiming in, it’s always nice to hear from those of you who take the time to read my page.
Over the weekend we went to the Y and it was so funny to see the sudden surge of people hitting the gym. I remember when I worked as a “Fitness Consultant” at a gym and seeing such a great turnout in January, and then watching it slowly taper off. It’ s so hard to stay motivated and find the time though, I give anyone credit who just goes at all. After trying “The Firm” again, doing Tae Bo and looking for at-home workouts, I decided to just stick with the Y for now. This week I have a doctor’s appointment and I am nervous to find out how much weight I’ve gained. I really feel terrible….and huge already. I feel so bad to complain because after all, I would trade my figure any day for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Still, flashbacks of gaining close to 60 lbs with Gabe keep coming back to me, and the difficulty and depression of trying so hard to get rid of it afterwards. A friend of mine e-mailed me (she is due in February) and she said she’s still running several miles a day, and/or walking 2-3 miles….and she’s 9 months pregnant! So that made me feel like a big lazy goof, hence the fierce return to the Y!!!
Although I have to say, having our own house again has helped keep me moving throughout the day. It seems like I am forever picking up random clutter (a sock on the floor, a puzzle piece or toy). Yesterday at Target I saw a section of toys for 75% off and for the first time I wasn’t even tempted to look! The boys have so many toys it’s overwhelming and it’s not like we buy a lot….they’ve just kind of accumulated over time. It seems like every room there is a corner for toys and so many of them never even get played with. It’s always a hard balance because I try so hard to keep the house clean (okay spotless) but I don’t want to neglect time with the boys because I’m so focused on cleaning constantly. So the challenge is finding enough play/learning time, but also teaching them that it’s important to have a clean house. Okay, it’s Y-time better get going!:)
Lisa B says
Get Gilad. Bodies in Motion, I have worked out to him for years..he keeps you motivated and going. the workouts are not crazy, but do their job.