There are a few inventions I can’t live without. One of them is my new-found mini-van. The other is concealer (in fact all of my make-up) and now this amazing pillow!! Jim was sweet enough to order it for Valentine’s Day and I seriously think it’s the best, most romantic gift he’s ever given me! It literally feels like you are floating on a cloud and I can’t remember the last time I had such a healing, restful, deep, sleep. As any very-pregnant woman knows, a good night sleep is rare if impossible as the due date gets closer and your belly gets bigger.:) This pillow was pricey but WOW is it worth it! I think it’s called the Back n’ Belly pillow ( has it on sale). Well I have to run already and get things ready for Grant’s birthday tomorrow! 2 years ago right now Jim was packing the bags and we were just about to leave for the hospital because my labor had started. Hard to believe my little Valentine’s Day angel is now running around the house and talking up a storm. I’ll be back tomorrow with pictures and news……if I ever get out of bed with my pillow!! Lol.:)
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