We just got back from our fun weekend trip! We stayed at Cedar Point’s Castaway Bay and swam, ate, played, watched a movie, hung out with Snoopie, and had a blast! This was probably my favorite water park experience because the water was actually WARM and perfect for the kids. Every other time we go to a similar place, the kids lips are blue, they are shivering, and it’s hard for them to really relax because they are so darn cold. This time though everything was perfect and Grant squealed and giggled while Gabriel impressed us with his swimming skills.:) It was just what we needed! Meanwhile I hit the spa for a little while (inside the hotel) and got a much needed pedicure. I’ve only had one once in my life (besides this) and I didn’t have to pay for it or else I probably wouldn’t have done it. I always thought it seemed so pricey just to get your toenails painted and massaged a little bit, so I never thought it was worth it. Wow, what a wake-up call!! Lol.:) This wasn’t your typical pedicure though, she really fixed my feet (I won’t go into details because even writing the word “callus” grosses me out) but needless to say, it looks like I have brand new feet! I never imagined what a drastic difference it would make and it was soooo relaxing.:) Since my belly is enormous now it’s a relief to know I don’t have to contort myself to try to paint my toenails, they look great! Okay enough about that, I don’t like writing about feet. hehe. After our trip to Sandusky we drove up to Beachwood and went to Legacy Village and the mall. Jim said he’s never seen so many good-looking people in one place in his life (wow, that includes New York)! 🙂 I was the fattest person in the entire mall….pregnant or not ( I am not exaggerating). I felt so huge amidst all the size 2’s. I go through spurts where sometimes I get caught up in that, while other times I am just so turned-off. It really is amazing to people-watch though and see the sheer amounts of money that people spend on a given day on clothes alone. We saw one lady who was utterly buried in a sea of Ralph Lauren cashmere, coats, and pants and I imagine each piece of clothing was $80 at the very LEAST. I’m not saying anything is wrong with that and heck, if we were millionaires I might do the same thing but I just can’t relate to that kind of spending at ALL. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy nice things and I like to splurge on quality when we can but I just hope I keep perspective and always live within our means so we don’t end up on Oprah’s “Debt Diet”. haha. Well I better get cleaning, it’s laundry day!!
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