I need to come clean. I have a thing for strollers! There are just so many cute ones out there. They remind me of cars. Some are sharp looking and lightweight (but not really practical), while others are like my mini-van with a ton of cup holders, big baskets underneath, and lots of pockets. Plus they make them in the cutest colors now! This one caught my eye yesterday at Babies R Us and I love it because it’s actually a double stroller but with a twist. The bigger child can either stand on the stoop in the back and ride along, or sit on the little booster seat and ride along. I just really like the fact that it’s not super wide or heavy and it’s easy to maneuver! Plus at about $150, this stroller from Joovy is pretty reasonable! Considering we already have a double stroller, a jogging stroller, an umbrella stroller, and a Maclaren….I think it will take some convincing before Jim will go for this one.:)
I didn’t get a chance to post a big “Happy Birthday Mom” on my page yesterday.:) Jim, and my dad both had to work so my brother and I (and the boys) took mom to dinner for her special day. I am really slacking in the photo department because I didn’t even bring the camera to remember the occasion! Same thing with our Castaway Bay trip over the weekend. Jim had camera duty but in the hectic rush to get out the door, we forgot them. Shoot! I need to catch up and post a bunch soon. Aside from that, it has been a really good week so far. Gabriel is sick (and has a cavity…ugh) but he is sweet as ever. He was such a trooper at the Dentist’s office and just as I suspected, they can’t do anything for his black tooth. She said it’s very common and she sees it all the time but we’ll just have to ride it out and wait until he looses that tooth in a year or so. It’s okay, I realize it could be worse. Last night I saw a really unbelievable documentary called “Born Without a Face” on Discovery Health and it really made me take a step back at how grateful I am to have healthy kids. I really try to count my blessings a lot but, sometimes I lose sight of the amazing gifts God has given our family (namely, health). This little girl was only 2 and she was so deformed and I actually had to turn away from it (I am ashamed to admit). It was just so shocking to me at first and my heart just broke seeing the pain, and surgeries she had to endure….I literally just sat there and cried. Here is a link to the story (I’m not posting it to sensationalize the story, but there is a link for donations…plus I think she and her parents are an amazing testimony to faith and perserverance). Please take note the pictures are graphic: http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/health/news-article.aspx?storyid=51818. Anyway, I better get going. After seeing a story like that I want to spend every free moment appreciating my kids, life it too short!
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