People say that you are more accident-prone and clumsy while pregnant. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I for one, believe it!! A month ago I caught my toenail on something and ripped off almost the entire thing (yuck). A few weeks ago Gabe and I hit heads and I got a big, swollen, black and blue eye. Earlier this week I busted my lip open (and it’s still looking sore and scabby…yuck again). Then last night I smashed my finger in a drawer and it’s already purple!!! I have managed to injure myself more in the past few weeks than in my whole life!! Lol. I know that your center of gravity is thrown off with a growing belly but I’m sure fatigue plays a role too. Jim and I have been frantically trying to run around and make sure everything is set for my mother-in-law. She is flying in this weekend and we are so excited! Grant’s birthday is Tuesday too so we still have to get the cake and plan the big day. We decided to take Grant to Build-a-Bear for his present and I can’t wait!!
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