It’s so funny that we spend a ton on “stimulating”, battery-operated, colorful toys but I still think the best fun is the simple stuff!!! Yesterday we hit Toys R Us and left with full stock of bubble fun. We bought a ton and spent less than $15 and it’s been non-stop giggles and bubble-blowing ever since!:) We finally cleared out the basement and set up a nice play area with different activity stations. It was so much fun drawing on the chalkboard, playing with the train set, and molding play-doh in between bubble breaks. I could tell it was such a great release for the boys, plus I’m not worrying about the mess or carpet stains so we lived it up!:) The weather looks beautiful this week too so I am also excited about being able to take the kids outside and go for long walks.
Now that we are getting set for our hospital tour of the delivery ward, I think it’s really hit me how little time we have left before the baby gets here. We were hoping save x-amount of dollars for maternity leave, plus have all the newborn items ready to go and we are behind in both areas! It’s okay because we have a game-plan but between the breast-pump, new bouncy seat, sling, and bedroom set, we still have a lot of ground to cover. Thank goodness for Ebay, that’s the best short-cut I know!:) Well I better get back to cleaning and laundry. It’s another beautiful day, hopefully we’ll be able to squeeze in a walk too!!
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Thanks for the bubble advice. That will come in handy in the future.