You always know summer is coming when you start to see the neighborhood come alive again.:) Everyone who was hibernating all winter is out grilling, mowing, walking, and riding bikes. Since we moved in around Christmas, this is the first chance to actually mingle with everyone and meet the neighbors. So far so good! Lol.:) It might sound odd but I am naturally very shy and really dread new situations where I have to make small talk and meet someone. I have just always been an introvert and very private. Thankfully my neighbors are much more social and it’s been fun to get to know the different families on our little street. I’m especially happy for Gabe and Grant, hopefully they can make some new buddies on the block! Well, just a short entry today. All is well with my big belly and waiting on baby. Although I have about 3 weeks left it couldn’t come soon enough! I am really having a hard time getting around these days. I have been analyzing every little cramp and twinge and wondering if the baby could be coming soon? You’d think by now I would learn some patience, but I’m just excited to meet our little boy! 🙂
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