It’s just after 5:30 and I am already in my pj’s, curled up with the boys, watching a movie. It’s no fun just laying around but, today I have no choice. My back pain has been getting worse and worse. It’s finally come to a head and there is nothing I can do but literally lay here and not move! Some women carry their baby weight in the bottom, or sides, or out front. I happen to carry all mine on top and that creates a ton of pressure on my poor back! What makes matters worse is that I haven’t been sleeping either and it the fatigue is making me more emotional (poor Jim).:) I keep reminding myself that I have just a little over 5 weeks to go and this is the home stretch, I can do it! Yet I also remember from experience that the last month can seem like the LONGEST of all. I don’t know if I can do this until May (as if I have a choice?!):) I hate to have a pity party because up until this point it has been a dream. My pregnancy with Grant was very difficult and this time I’ve had it much easier so I’m trying to just keep that in mind and not get too down. Anyway, Friday I have another doctor’s appointment so hopefully he can give me some suggestions about how to relieve my aching back. It’s so easy to take our health for granted until something goes wrong, usually I lift and carry the boys, the vacum, and climb the stairs 500 times a day with the laundry basket etc.! Thank goodness for kids movies though, today we are hibernating and hoping for a better back day tomorrow! Oh yeah, and sleep would be nice too.
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