That’s the best title I can come up with today! Lol!… What does that phrase really mean anyway? I guess it sums up how I’ve been feeling today. VERY uncomfortable and feeling like I’m about to go into labor! Wishful thinking maybe….although at 36.5 weeks even I have to admit it’s way too early for that. Baby “G” has dropped lower though and I’ve been feeling some major pressure and I cannot get comfortable. Every time I stand up, bend over, walk, or move I feel like I have to run to the bathroom! I can’t catch a break, it’s pretty intense pressure and it worries me a bit. If it’s going to stay like this for 4 more weeks than that stinks, but I’m also not ready to go into labor yet either! Hopefully it will subside and maybe he’s just in a funny position right now? He also did this on Friday for a few hours but it went away. Today though it’s back and seems worse and it hasn’t gone away. I wish I could ask my doctor but he’ll be on vacation for another week so I’m just going to stick it out unless something major happens. Anyway, it’s kind of been an eye opener that I have to tie up loose ends before he gets here (whenever that is). We still haven’t bought ANY diapers and my suitcase is still packed away in the basement. Okay, Jim and I are off to take the boys outside so we can play and hopefully get distracted!
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