Over the weekend my oldest son, Gabriel, announced he would no longer be calling me “mommy”. He said “I’m getting older, from now on I’m going to call you MOM, only babies say mommy”. Ahhhhh….wait, I’m not ready for that, he’s only 4! I know it’s not really a big deal, but for me it’s just another indication that my baby is growing up. Maybe it’s a “mom” thing, but I still look at my children as my babies and probably will see them with those same eyes…. even when they are 50 years old. 🙂 We had a fun weekend and it went fast, except at night. Getting sleep is a distant memory but I know it’s just part of the deal at this point. Thankfully Jim has been great at taking over if I need to take a break during the day. Tomorrow I will have another doctor’s appointment but as of right now it seems like baby “G” is not wanting to budge. All the impending labor symptoms I’ve had in the past are nonexistent so far. The Braxton-Hicks have been ongoing like crazy and that’s the main thing which has been hard. Some are intense, some are lighter…but always enough to keep me uncomfortable. Thankfully it’s been nice to enjoy the warm weather and keep busy, Spring is a great distraction!
Anonymous says
Hi Brooke!
I’ve been meaning to ask you what has your babies heartbeat been?
Anonymous says
Hi Brooke 🙂
I can’t believe Gabriel has been calling you “mommy” all these years!! Casey (20 months) started calling me “mom” a few months ago. He walks around the house calling for me–mom, mom? mom! And it’s so cute when he tells Daddy that I’m home “It’s my mom.” Maybe I’ll get mommy from Caden longer than I did from Casey. I do have new pictures to show you–I’ll send them soon. Have a happy day 🙂
Lori- Green Bay says
My seven year old still calls me mumma- every so often he asks me if he can start calling me mom. I think it’s so cute that he asks permission. He usually goes back to calling me mumma so maybe Gabriel will do the same thing and you can hang on to that for awhile.
Good Luck:):)
Anonymous says
This actually May 10th-I was so excited, Brooke, when I heard that you and Jim were in the hospital this morning having Baby G! Today is a very special day in our family. My dad is 70 today and he is such a blessing to me. If Baby G is born today, I pray that he blesses your lives as much as my Daddy does. Congratulations! May God continue to pour out his Mercy and Grace on you and your boys. Love Karen
Joy says
I was touched to hear that you went into labor today on the 10th. Today would have been my brother’s 34th birthday. Unfortunately, God called him home one cold January night in 1996. May 10th will always be a special day to us and now it will be a special day to you, too. May God continue to bless you and your family!
Anonymous says
This is my first time to check out your blog, but I just had to see the pictures of Garrett. He’s sooo cute (as is Gabriel)…and you look very well rested (at least you were caught at a wakeful moment!). Congratulations to all of you – and have a fantastic Mother’s Day (including some SLEEP!).
Anonymous says
Tell him my 13 year old son still calls me mommy
Anonymous says
Hi Brooke,
I am 29 years old and I still call my mother “Mommy”! And I call my dad “Tata”, which is the Polish version of “Daddy”! And I refuse to change!
God bless you all 🙂
Anonymous says
hey i am so happy for you i am 18 and i still call my mom mommy.baby garret kind of looked like my baby brother when he was born.oh and my baby sister birthday is on may 10 too cool so while you were giving birth a birthday party was going on god bless bye.