Here is the first picture of our new family of 5!! Wow. I am still amazed that everyone is smiling and looking at the camera at the same time, I’m framing that one for sure! Lol. It’s day 6 already and I can’t believe my little man will be one week old soon. He is doing great and the doctor said he’s right on track and even weighed in at over 9lbs as of yesterday!:) Gabriel and Grant are both sick unfortunately and I have been stressing that Garrett will catch it too. Having another baby is like seeing my heart outside my body, for the third time. I love him so much that it’s scary because I just feel so vulnerable and I don’t know what I would do if he got sick or something happened. For now he is perfect though so I can’t dwell on the “what if’s” because I don’t want to miss out on all the little miracles of today.
Having 3 boys with the letter “G” has finally caught up with us!! Jim and I keep getting mixed up and combining names, “GRabe”, or “Gant”, or “GRarrett”. Ahhhhh!:) It’s so funny because Gabe catches on and makes fun of us, hopefully that means he won’t be scarred for life that his parents get him mixed up with his brothers!:) As always I have so much more I would like to write but I need to run and do a few things while I have a free minute. I still never wrote about my labor/delivery story and I plan to do that soon too!! For now I better just practice saying my boys names so I get it right next time!:) Lol.
P.S. We FINALLY SOLD OUR HOUSE!!! For those of you who have followed the ordeal for the past 10 months, you know our stress about paying 2 mortgages (for our other home in WI). God has perfect timing doesn’t he?!
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Congratulations Brooke! I had to laugh when you mentioned mixing up the kid names. I just had my fifth son and we’re all “J” names. Justin, Jordan, Jaden, Julian and Jaxon. I’ve taken to calling them by their birth order number to eliminate the name combos! God bless you and your beautiful family.
Hi Brooke!
We do the same thing and we only have two!!! I call my girl Ga-Hayley and my boy Habe all the time, they just laugh at their poor senile mom! 🙂
I remember my mom calling my three siblings & I by whatever name popped into her head at the time…what a hoot!
God bless you with rest and love.
As one of ten kids, my mother rarely got anyone’s name right. When we’d try to correct her she’d quip, “I named you; I’ll call you whatever I want.” Now as a mother of three children, I completely see her point.
You have a beautiful family Brooke! Congratulations to you and your husband.
Thank God for your wonderful family. Just a little insight to the names. It has nothing to do with the first letter. I believe it has to do with three children. I have three girls, Sarah 26, Elizabeth 22, and Leah 20. When we are all together (very few but precious times) I still get them all mixed up. Yes, and they laugh at me. Pam
Brooke– Congratulations!! You look beautiful!! And what a handsome bunch of men you have. We have 4 girls, 2 K names and 2 J names and we, especially my husband, are constantly calling them different names.. They just laugh and ask if we are senile… Enjoy it, time goes by soo fast..
My grandma still does the same thing she has(6 children, 18 great-grandchildren) 14 grandchildren, 7 boys and 7 girls out of us girls 5 of us have an S name. We learned just to answer no matter what name was used. Good Luck and God Bless
Congratulations Brooke, Jim & family. Your new addition is perfect! A true gift of God.
I have added the dog’s name too, called the dog one of my girls’ names or one of the girls the dogs name. They just roll their eyes!
God Bless!
Congratulaions!!! You have a beautiful family. I know what you mean by calling your children the wrong names. I have 1 boy and 1 girl. I get them mixed up all the time. They do not start with the same letter so I don’t thinkn that has anything to do with it. My parents had 4 girls and none of us share the same first letter and they confused us all the time also. Congratulations on selling your house finally!! God Bless.
What a beautiful family you have.
I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy listening to you & the guys in the morning. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Penny Lowe
Hi Brooke-
This is Annette and I spoke to you just a bit while I was on the road
before you had your son. Congratu-
lations!!! He is beautiful!! (And so are you-is no wonder your hubby
loves you w/out makeup!! God bless
you and keep you all healthy and safe. AMEN
Congratulations Brooke!!! God has blessed you with a beautiful baby and a wonderful family. I don’t know you that well but you truly are an inspiration!!