Here is a picture from “Alive” yesterday! I brought Gabe, Garrett and Grandma and we had a blast! Jim had to work and Grant stayed behind because I knew he would be bored 5 minutes into it (trust me though, he was in toddler paradise with his babysitter)! I am a huge Third Day fan and have already seen them in concert 3 different times, in 2 different states so I wasn’t going to miss this one! They were fantastic as always. It was such a gorgeous night and such a fun atmosphere, we definitely want to go back again before the weekend!
-One more thing! I wanted to address a question that was left in the “comments” of my last blog. Krista asked if the Ojon hair products really work? In all honesty they are okay, but I won’t be spending the money on that again. Maybe it was just my hair? I didn’t notice any difference or improvement after using the stuff for about a month. Just my two cents.:)
shereyah says
you are very pretty. i love to listen to the fish
Anonymous says
Hey Brooke, my name is Jason. I love listening to the fish. My fave artists are Jars and Jaime Thietten. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous says
Hi Brooke!
I’m a huge third day fan too!! I have seen them about 8 or 9 times. I have gone to there shows when they come to Cleveland or Alive. I finnally got to meet them last Tuesday night at Alive!! It was soo exciting!!