Today was my 6 week after baby checkup. All I could think about was stepping on the scale and facing the numbers. I wore flip-flops and light clothing, anything I thought would help my cause! I realize that it’s not something I should waste my time worrying about but a small part of me always does. Anyway, after the weigh-in and moment of truth, it wasn’t all that bad. I still have 10-15 lbs I would like to lose but that will hopefully come off in due time. It’s just so easy to snack when the kids are snacking, or finish the supper they didn’t want to eat but all that can slowly equal extra calories.
Last week I started running again and did 2 miles, then 2.5 miles. By the end of this week I’m hoping to get up to 3 miles but the challenge has been finding the time! Our schedules will be changing soon though, Jim will start his new job and I’ll be back to work full-time in July. I’ve already started telling the boys that we have to make the most of our days while mommy is still home full-time. I will miss being a SAHM again, but I have to admit I’m excited to get back to my job too. The kids will be in good hands and that makes all the difference, and I am blessed enough to work with awesome people and a great company, so it’s really a wonderful setup overall. Well I have to get cleaning. Tonight we are going to “Alive” to see Third Day, I can’t wait!!
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Hey Brooke!
Congrats on the running. What did you start at? Did you start out walking or just jump right into running? I want to start running but don’t have much endurance so am looking for some pointers. I’ve been meaning to ask you too, how do the Ojon hair products work? Is it worth the money? Give me the scoop!
Hi Brooke
I’m glad you’re looking forward to coming back. I know Moms struggle with that and a lot of people have strong opinions on doing both(like the previous host(ess) of 95.5. I too have children and made the choice of enjoying my career (high school teacher) and being a mom. I think my kids are thriving and I still get lots of time with them.