Oh what a week! It started wonderfully with some excellent news…Jim got a new job! He really liked what he was doing but something else came along and he just couldn’t pass it up. He’ll be working helping disabled Veterans and I am so proud of him. We took a little trip to Columbus to finalize everything and had a great time in the big city! We went to the very first Wendy’s restaurant and the boys loved seeing all the tall buildings downtown. I also researched the best shopping and found a fun outdoor mall where we ended up spending 8 hours (time flies when you are browsing)!!:)
Garrett had his 1 month well-baby checkup this week too. He is 11lbs 12oz. and rolling right along! He’s just such a joy and I’m so grateful he’s healthy. The only little issue we are facing right now is mamma’s-boy-syndrome. He won’t allow anyone else to hold him (including daddy) without wailing. I love that he is attached to his mommy, but I worry about what will happen when I have to leave him. Yesterday I went running and he cried the ENTIRE time…non-stop until I came home (45 minutes later). Thankfully I won’t be leaving him anytime soon so we’ll just take it one day at a time. Meanwhile, Gabriel has been having some other issues. He’s been biting his lip and I’m not sure what to do. It’s really gotten bad and it scares Jim and me. I even took him to the doctor but there wasn’t much they could do about it. His entire lip is constantly bloody and swollen and he claims he can’t help it. I don’t know if it’s a habit or something deeper (it did start around the time Garrett was born). I’m hoping he’ll get distracted when he goes to Vacation Bible School in a few weeks, and that will put a stop to it.
As if things weren’t crazy enough, we also started potty training Grant. It’s not going so well right now! He’s so smart and clearly understands how/when/where to go, he just doesn’t want to do it right now. I forgot what a process that can be! Overall though we are getting the hang of things and getting into a nice daily routine. Having 3 kids is making me realize I need to step up and be more organized than I usually am. There is so much to keep track of and squeeze into each day and if I don’t have an orderly schedule, things could get out of hand! Lol. One thing I do know…the slow cooker is a wonderful invention!!
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Hi Brooke,
Glad to hear things are going well. I am sure the lip biting will go away on its own, try not to worry too much. We only have one boy – he is a little over 3 and we are also trying to toilet train. He will do so good sometimes – we went to go see Cars (excellent) and in the middle of the movie he came to me and let me know he had to go. Those times are few and far between though. He is also smart enough to know when he needs to go, but I think he just doesnt want to yet. Oh well.
Take care of yourself.
For both Gabriel’s and Grant’s “issues” I highly recommend rewards–nothing big, just something for them to work for. You could give Gabriel a sticker for every day (hour, whatever) that he doesn’t bit his lip and when he has enough he gets a reward (maybe a special outing with Mommy!). My godson finally got the hang of potty training when he started receiving a couple of m&m’s when he used the potty. That wasn’t enough to get him to poop in the potty though! That required his favorite Thomas train (chocolate Percy). Then when he knew what he was doing, he had Percy taken away when he went in his pants. It worked very well and no trauma!