Ugh. So much for my Nike + excitement, that was short-lived! Don’t get me wrong, the shoes are fantastic it’s just my iPOD that’s not so hot. I tried to update the software and somehow it crashed our computer and wiped out all my music! Poor Jim has been working on it for two days and now not only am I out of running music , but our computer has issues now too! I have to laugh though,it’s Murphy’s Law or something… just typical! My race is a week from Saturday, so music or not I have to be ready to go. I think it will be fine though, I’ve been doing good with my jogs and I know by now I’ve hit the 5-mile mark so now I just have to step up my time.
Aside from that things have been great! I’ve been back to work for 3 weeks now and I think we have a pretty good schedule down. Naps have been a success and we’ve been able to squeeze in play, cleaning, and family time with a good balance. Have you noticed there is NOTHING on t.v. lately?! That’s a good thing for us though because we’ve just kept it off altogether. I’m trying to make the most of this beautiful summer since it will be the last before Gabe is a bonafide Elementary school-er! I’m sure next year he will have sports and activities so right now we are just enjoying the calm. 🙂
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