August is going to be a big month. For starters, I will turn 28! Yes, I am quickly approaching the big 3-0; I used to think that was actually OLD! Ahhh, of course now I know better.:) August also marks the month that I have to start leaving Garrett at home again. It won’t be until the end of the month, but I’m already sad about it. It has been such a special blessing to take him with me and I feel like it’s given us a unique bonding experience. I really wish I could have done the same with Grant. Gabe was my first born and we had over 2 years of solo time with him, but with Grant I feel like I got jipped almost. Anyway, so far Garrett has been a dream to have at work, and I’m trying to enjoy every minute of it while I can.
Finally, there is school for Gabriel! August 23 will be his first day of kindergarten. I’m debating whether or not I should take that day off? It’s not like school is new to him, he went to preschool last year. Still, this is the “big time” (Lol) so Jim and I want to take him to breakfast and really make it special for him. We went to Target last night to stock up on school supplies. Gotta love .15 cent glue sticks and .20 cent markers!
We had a good discussion on the show today about the “Bored Mom”. She wrote an article about how her kids “bore her to death” and she can’t stand hanging out with them. Good calls and e-mails! Most people thought it was despicable, yet some agreed with her and applauded her honesty. My opinion is that I don’t believe her kids are boring…SHE is boring! In our life we only have ONE chance to get it right as parents, and they are young for such a short time…why would she waste that because of such a stupid, self-centered reason? To be fair, she did make some good points about the challenges of mothering but I think it was an extreme example and I was left with a sense of pity for her children. I just have a very low threshold for loser parents, and although I’m not perfect, I just don’t understand why people have kids if they aren’t prepared to put in the work it takes to raise them right. Okay…off my soapbox now!:) You can see the article at:
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