Well, yesterday my sweet baby Garrett turned 3 months old! He is filling out so much and changing more each day. The next few weeks are going to be emotional as the boys transition into new chapters. This will be the last week I’ll be taking Garrett into work with me and I tear up every time I think about it. I have gotten so attached to bringing him with me, he’s been such a great travel buddy during the early morning commutes. It just brightens my day to look over at him during the show and see him sleeping or smiling at me. We have gotten into a great routine so it will be hard for me to leave him every day now.
At the same time, we are also preparing for Gabe’s new life as a kindergartner. Five years ago I was pregnant with him, and Jim and I were anticipating life as first-time parents. People say time flies but I had no idea it would go this fast. It’s like a slide show in my brain. I remember giving birth and hearing “it’s a BOY” and I knew it was our little Gabriel. Then I remember how fast he grew out of the little baby tub, crawling, walking, and not being quite big enough to reach the light switch or the sink.:) Now of course he’s a tall, independent 4 1/2 year old, and will be starting a new phase of his life. He went to preschool last year but this just feels different, and I’m a wreck! At the same time I am excited to spend more focused time with Grant. Gabe will be at school every day, all day, and it will change the dynamic a little. Grant will now be the “big brother” of the house while Garrett tags along.:)
Oh yeah, I also have a “Marathon Update”: I’m in a holding pattern right now as I wait to see if a few things pan out. I should know by Monday, I hope!
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