Ahhhh I am slacking in the blogging department!! I just can’t resist this beautiful weather, we’ve been racking up the outdoor family time as much as we can. I just love when the seasons change, you can just feel it in the air! I’ve been in the mood to decorate and the boys really want pumpkins to carve but we are waiting until October. Jim said we need to hold off a bit, they will be rotten weeks before Halloween at this rate! Speaking of which, the boys are all set with their costumes! Last year I procrastinated (imagine that) and made the mistake of waiting until the last minute. Everything was picked over so this year I learned from that. Gabe is Anakin Skywalker and Grant is Yoda. The costumes are actually more adorable in person, than on the website (that never happens)! Lol. Garrett is going to be Pooh Bear dressed as a bumblebee. I wanted them all to go with the “Jedi” theme but the Pooh costume is so cute and it was already in storage.
Garrett is now rolling all over the place. He loves it, you just lie him down and he’s off and rolling! We’ve been blessed in that all of our kids have been so happy-go-lucky, he’s just a laid back dude and loves to smile! That’s about it, not much else new to update. I’m trying to do better with my diet and eating healthier. We had Dr. Mehmet Oz on the show (the guy who is on Oprah all the time) and he really scared me into doing better with watching my ingredients. It’s amazing what they sneak in food if you don’t notice, I never really looked at the labels before. I wish I was doing better with my exercise but I’ve been slacking there big time! We run outside and play though so at least I’m active with the kids. We just bought a scale for the first time and it’s making me crazy! I find myself wanting to weigh myself all the time, I don’t like that. Well, better run Garrett is calling!
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