This album is so amazing, I love Celine Dion. I bought this after Grant was born and listened to it constantly but I misplaced it after we moved. Over the weekend I was cleaning and found it again and I forgot how beautiful the songs are, Garrett seemed to enjoy it too. If you are looking for a good baby gift for someone (or yourself) you can’t go wrong with “Miracle”!
Yesterday I went running for the first time in weeks and it felt great. It was like meeting an old friend, I don’t know why I didn’t try to get out and exercise sooner. I really need to stop procrastinating! Actually it’s not that really, it’s just things have been so hectic since school started I honestly don’t really have time most days. The past few weeks I’ve felt in a funk though overall. My hair color is blah (I had a coupon for a new place) but I won’t be going back there, it’s not good. I’m also in weird spot with my clothes, everything is 2 years old since last winter I was in maternity outfits already. I think I just need an update with my wardrobe, everything looks frumpy! Ever since we bought that stinking’ scale a few weeks ago, I keep weighing myself obsessively and now I regret even buying the darn thing! I’m trying to lose about 10 pounds (realistically) but no matter what I seem to do, I can’t get below 2 lbs. It’s so frustrating, it’s making me crazy! Aside from that everything is great though.:) Grant (my 2 year old) has been going through a hard stage lately, he’s still not wanting to go potty like a big boy and he’s had an increase in tantrums. As parents, the first thing Jim and I always do is make a check-list in our brains about what could be frustrating or bothering him. I’m not really sure but as a middle child, lack of enough attention always comes to mind. We try so hard to give the boys equal time and TLC but I always feel guilty wondering if we do enough? He is a fascinating child though, the term “strong-willed” definitely suits him (always has) but that is also what I adore about him also! He is so dramatic and FEELS everything with his entire heart and body, he is a passionate little soul and I love that! Well time to go already, Garrett is waking up!
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