This is our new favorite book! It is so creative and well-illustrated, the boys love it! We go through a ton of books and reading is an important pastime in our home but this one really stands out. My mom got it at the library and the boys have not wanted to put it down for 2 days! Very creative. If you know any kid that loves Super Heroes this would make a great gift!
This has been a good week. Garrett astounds me with his development, each day he is growing leaps and bounds. He is now at the point of rolling all over the house. He can’t crawl yet but he is definitely mobile! We will set up a blanket with toys and turn around to find him halfway across the room! He’s also eating cereal and has quite an appetite. I love watching him find his personality too. He has such an easy laugh and gets entertained by just about anything. Things have really started to come together for our family and it seems like we are flowing along great now. We are still working with Grant on potty training but I’m trying to just lay off and let it happen without pushing too hard. Gabe loves school and we are really happy with his teacher and class. That’s about it for now! Tomorrow will be busy with the Mercy Me show, I can’t wait!
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