Who needs coupons when you have an infant?! Sounds like a stretch but hear me out: having a third baby has changed our lifestyle. A friend of mine recently pointed out how much Garrett has helped us save money because having 3 little ones means I never leave the house anymore!:) I used to be the get-up-and-go type of mom that was always going to Target, the mall, or just browsing around town. I like to think I am a bargain shopper but even the discounts add up when you buy things almost every week. Those days are gone! Having 3 and running back and forth to get Gabe to school, YMCA, etc. takes about all the energy I have. We now plan our outings much more carefully and I can’t remember the last time I packed up everyone and hit the stores just to casually “look” (ha-ha, it makes me laugh to even think about it)!:) I really enjoy it this way though. I learned that I am not tempted to buy when I just stay OUT of the stores altogether (duh). It’s a no-brainer but I find that even looking through the Pottery Barn catalog or my Newport-news magazine instills a sense of “I need this now” attitude. Funny, my life was perfectly content before seeing the cute shirt, or Tupperware from Sam’s Club, but the moment I see it my brain goes into “I HAVE to have that” mode! So if I just avoid it all together I am not tempted. Not that I was a shopoholic or anything, it’s just not doing it makes me step back and see how much money we are saving by staying in. Thanks Garrett!!
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