I don’t know what’s going on, but my energy is zapped! I am a walking blob lately. There are so many things I need to do but I just don’t have the motivation and I can’t get it together. Last week Mark and I announced we are running in the Cleveland half marathon. He has started training which now makes me officially behind! I’m sure we won’t run together but it’s nice to set a common goal and give each other grief in the process.:) The date is May 20 so I still have plenty of time but I know how quickly it can sneak up! Hopefully I can get out of this funk first.
On the potty training front, I am so proud of Grant! He hasn’t looked back and we’ve had over 2 solid weeks of diaper freedom. The countdown to his birthday (#3) is 3 weeks from tomorrow! It’s interesting because last year I felt the “terrible twos” kicked in a little early and now it seems they’ve ended a little early! About month ago Grant’s personality shifted and he’s been a more cooperative, agreeable little boy. It’s been a LONG time since he’s been that way and it’s a breath of fresh air. Not that I didn’t embrace the challenges of being 2, it’s just nice to see him enter a new stage. Gabriel is great (getting tall) and hoping to lose his first tooth! All the “other kids” at school are experiencing the tooth fairy for the first time, so he keep wiggling and hoping a tooth will fall out! Meanwhile, Garrett is getting his! His top two should be arriving any time now. He is such a little teddy bear I love scooping him up and holding his chubby little body! That’s pretty much it. Jim and I are going on a date to the symphony soon. He loves classical music and we’ve never gone so I’m excited to do something new. Oh I almost forgot: we are getting ready to renew our vows too!! I’ll update on that next time. Have a great day!
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