Oh boy, I went and did it this time. WHY do I even attempt anything in the kitchen?! Earlier this week I read a recipe on the show for Easter Story cookies. It’s a great way to tell the story to children and it *seems* like a very simple recipe (ha)! Well, I received an invitation to make the cookies on Robin Swoboda’s tv show “That’s Life” on Friday. Being the foolish person I am, I said I could conquer the cookies and make the recipe live on the show (with an extra batch ready as the “after” to taste). Well, I made them for the first time last night and it was a disaster! The experience of telling the Easter story to the boys and making them went great, but this morning when I went to get them out of the oven I knew I had missed something! They look like flat, sticky mini-pancakes! My problem lies in the fact I have no time to re-make the cookies for tomorrow’s show. We have church until late tonight! Thankfully Rose and Jennifer (great listeners) stepped up to volunteer to make me a new batch to bring to Robin’s show. THANK YOU! What a lifesaver.:) Still, I am really nervous and trying to memorize the recipe so I’ll look halfway professional on live television! I’ll be on sometime between 10-11am on Fox 8 tomorrow morning. I’m going to post the recipe too, I think it’s so beautiful….hopefully you’ll have better luck than I did!
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