Just a quickie update! I rescheduled my hair appointment for next week. Grant has been sick so I didn’t want to leave him and besides, I think I can get one more week out of my roots.:) My favorite photo is #3 (on my last entry) but the more I think about it, I might chicken out. I really like having somewhat-longer hair and it’s nice to just pull back in the summer. If it’s too short I would have to “do” it all the time. The more I look at hair photos, I am leaning towards lots of layers to give it a different look, but still keep the length. Yes, I know there are greater things going on than my hair dilemma, I need to just let it go. Lol.
It should be a beautiful father’s day weekend! When I listen to radio or watch tv I feel like dad’s don’t really get their due! Even sit-com’s nowadays so dad as the “always-messes-up-then-apologizes” kinda guy. We tried to do a positive spin on our show and it was so much fun! Taking calls on “what dad built” was quite impressive. Everything from a working bomb shelter to a mobile home and even chainsaw carvings! I love it. This is going to be a busy weekend for us with events, work, etc. The boys are going to see the Fantastic 4 movie (Father’s day male bonding, haha). I still have to get Jim’s presents and my dad’s card….ugh I am so behind! Speaking of which, I have to run so I don’t get too buried in stuff. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks to all the dad’s who sacrifice for, teach, and inspire their children. God Bless you!
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