I haven’t felt much like updating. A family who we’ve been blessed to know, the Rader’s, lost their daughter Natasha to cancer on Sunday. She was only 5 years old. Over the past year it has been such a gift to know Julie, Tim and their little family. Yesterday I went to her showing and it was unbearable. She looked so beautiful in her little Cinderella princess gown and crown. I rejoice for her soul but I grieve so much for her family. Losing a child is an agony I can’t imagine. Seeing her laying there like a beautiful doll was just…unreal. Julie and Tim were holding up well (considering) but I know that is because so much due to their faith. They are truly an inspiration, especially when it comes to the virtue of fortitude. To know more about Natasha you can go to the Mom Squad blog at www.themomsquad.blogspot.com. Anyway, I honestly don’t feel up to writing much more than that. I’ve decided I need a break from the news. Between so many local soldiers getting killed and the daily headlines too horrible to mention, my heart just feels like it will break. I need to turn it off and let it go. Pray for our country-there are so many sick people sad situations.
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