We watched a great movie over the weekend. I wasn’t expecting much from “Music and Lyrics” but it was my turn to choose the movie so of course I went for a chick flick! ha. If it’s got Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, Diane Keaton, Cameron Diaz or any other modern leading lady, I will rent it and probably enjoy it even though they are usually basically the same. So anyway I got Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant and it was SO cheesy…..I loved it!! Hugh Grant plays an 80’s music has-been and that right there is so enough for me to be entertained. The movie started with the funniest totally 80’s cliche’ video and it cracked me up! The bad thing is the song is actually very catchy and I had it stuck in my brain so we pulled it up on You Tube. If you want a good laugh here is the link (Hugh has the long hair playing the keyboard) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0A7dtdc-nU. I should give the disclaimer that I don’t recommend this movie for kids. I think it’s very clean and one of the better ones but I need to say that (it’s rated PG-13).
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