Sorry for the lack of posts. Any free online time I have, has been focused on medical articles, info, and research lately. Last week I took Garrett to the doctor because he’s had an ongoing cough and wheeziness for over a month. I know I should’ve taken him right away but at first I thought it was just a cold. After a few weeks it tapered off but he still wasn’t 100%. It was like a nagging hack that he would get periodically (but not constantly). So I took him in and the doctor said it’s Asthma. He has issues with eczema and allergies already and I have learned that goes hand-in-hand with asthma.
All of this is new to me (and Jim). We are both totally healthy and have no history of any allergies or asthma so it’s been a crash course to learn everything.
I’m grateful that two of our neighbors happen to be Respiratory Therapists so they’ve also been a great resource too.
My first instinct was to worry. This is my baby boy and I felt concerned for his health and what it meant. After the initial news wore off though I have just been like a sponge soaking up any information I can find to become knowledgeable and confident in how to treat it. The good news is that I know he’ll be fine! More is known about asthma and how to treat it than ever before. It is the most common chronic childhood illness and affects more than 6% of children in the United States. Our next step is to go to a specialist who is also going to test him for allergies (another issue Garrett has). My poor buddy!
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