A must-have for all young lads! A friend of ours bought this for the boys, including Jim and we LOVE this book! From the moment we opened the cover and read the introduction all of us were completely captivated. This book covers just about every topic all young boys should know and learn about. Everything from Morse Code and ciphers, to how to build a tree house, secret inks, the art of skipping rocks, Latin phrases every boys should know and a TON more! This book is by brothers Conn and Hal Iggulden and they sum it up perfectly in the introduction when they write: “Men and boys today are the same as they always were, and interested in the same things. They may conquer different world when they grow up, but they’ll still want these stories for themselves and for their sons. We hope in years to come that this will be a book to dig out of the attic and give to a couple of kids staring at a pile of wood and wondering what to do with it. When you’re a man, you realize that everything changes, but when you’re a boy, you know different. The camp you make today will be there forever. “
It goes on, but I love that little excerpt; and the entire book is filled with things that every kid should experience and learn about. They also have a book for the young ladies called “The Daring Book for Girls”. I don’t know much about that one but if it’s anything like the version for boys, it’s definitely a worthwhile purchase!
By the way, I have the video review for the Shark Steam Mop up! It’s on the Mom Squad page. Click on the link and take a look!http://www.themomsquad.blogspot.com/
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