A little eclectic mix today!:)
I love cowboys. Sure they look nice, but it’s more about what they stand for! They were the good guys, the heroes of the old west. We are very much into that zone in our house these days. Over Christmas vacation we found a channel that plays all Westerns 24/7. The boys have found their new love! They are done with cartoons, have no interest in Shrek or animated movies (for now)…it’s all about the cowboys! As a family we’ve really enjoyed watching those movies too because they just don’t make films like that anymore! Some are a little over their head, others have the cheesy fake effects, but the message is the same: standing up for what’s right, protecting others, and wrangling up the bad guys!:) So it’s no wonder that has translated into a lot of role playing with Gabe and Grant. They have all the cowboy gear, guns, holsters, etc. and we have “cowboy rules” (always be responsible with your horse and your weapon, don’t point it at innocent bystanders, etc). Last night Grant slept with his rifle under his pillow and my “cowboy boots” on. It’s so funny! The other day Grant told Gabe to “stick em’ up”! Gabriel said: “I ain’t rolling over that easy”, just like John Wayne in that slow, deliberate speech. I’m sure some people will think it’s politically incorrect, but for us; we call it imagination and it’s a great thing to see them use it.
On the total opposite end of the spectrum, Gabriel is starting piano lessons tomorrow! We’ve talked about it and researched it for about 2 months and found an excellent teacher nearby. According to a friend/piano teacher I know, 6 years old is the perfect age to start. We went to You Tube over the weekend and looked at some amazing videos of pianists and that really peaked Gabe’s interest. He was excited before, but now he’s chomping at the bit! Of course I had to stress the importance of PRACTICE to get so good, but at least he’s ready to give it a try.
I have been spending way to much time checking out the incredible deals at Boston Proper. It’s my favorite place to get clothes (so beautiful) but also way above our budget. I usually only browse and every once in a while I will buy something on sale. Well, a few weeks ago they put a ton of clothes in their $9.99 sales category! Wowzers! We are talking $150-$200 items for TEN DOLLARS! I already ordered 3 separate times now, I can’t stop! Lol:) The hard part is knowing when to hit the page. At certain points of the day they only have like 20 items, then they will add a bunch but they get wiped out within seconds!! It’s crazy! It’s like Black Friday on the Internet. Anyway, check it out if you want some cute, spring clothes that are very flattering, check out www.BostonProper.com
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