It’s crunch time on the diet front for me! I always think it’s important to stress health over weight-loss, and that’s really why I started running. I knew I could lose weight by dieting, but to me that’s no good if you are just skinny without being strong (I need all my strength just to keep up with the boys)!:) has a good article where they interviewed 18 moms and what helped them lose the baby weight (and keep it off) and get in shape. I’m feeling really… “blahh”, if you know what I mean. Lets just say I’m not exactly ready for bathing suit season at the moment! Running will always be my primary workout but I’ve been really slacking when it comes to weight training. I’m not doing the Cleveland (half) marathon this year though so I do have more flexibility to try something different. Here is the article from Parents if you want to check it out.
I also ran across a really good piece where Madonna’s personal trainer reveals great info! She lays out the routine that Madonna uses and it’s actually achievable (if you modify it). I’m especially interested in how she looks so toned and muscular (a little but too much for me) but the secret is low weights (3 lbs) and high reps of up to 100. Check it out here.
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