I am so thankful it’s Friday! This week has seemed so long for some reason. After having a week and a half off for vacation I guess I just had to adjust again.:) Grant, Garrett, and I all have a cold and I’ll be gone quite a bit over the weekend so the guilt factor has definitely kicked in. Gabriel and Jim have had Scout camp all week and I have literally seen my husband for about 40 minutes a day, I miss him! Once again I don’t know how single parents do it. It makes me realize how much he helps out, I have been exhausted and I’ve only had 2 out of my 3 boys!:) Tonight should be fun though, it’s Women of Faith in Cleveland. We have a luxury box at the Q and Gina Hart and I will be hosting a bunch of lovely ladies who won, what a great night! I’m also bringing a friend and I’m excited to have some female bonding time.
Okay, so I’ve gotten a few e-mails asking about different items I posted a while back, so I wanted to update you! First is the Artemis Woman heel smoother pro I bought. I LOVE it! Especially now when my feet are in flip-flops almost every day. They get dry easily and I’ve been breaking out the heel smoother once or twice a month (sometimes more) and I can really tell a difference! Definitely a good investment. Also, the wood-burning stove dilemma. Last week I had a great conversation with a guy at Hartville Hardware. He was so helpful! Basically he said it’s not worth the money in a nutshell. None of those stoves (pellet, wood-burning, corn, etc) will heat the home in a uniform fashion. We knew that already, but he also mentioned several other points that made it seem like it wouldn’t be a wise investment right now (the price of wood and corn is going up, etc). He suggested getting the portable heaters, putting them in our primary rooms, and doing “zone heating”. That would at least lower our heating bill, which is our short-term goal! So for now, it looks like we’ll hold off. Alright, I have to go wake up the boys from nap time! Today we are reading about the life of Thomas Jefferson and correct table manners/etiquette (can you tell what book I picked out?!):)
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