Well, up until this point I have pretty much successfully avoided all matters of politics.:) This has definitely been a race of historic proportions hasn’t it?! Our street is currently divided almost straight down the middle with yard signs. I see bumper stickers and even homemade banners on my 50+ minute drive to work every day. Jim is constantly telling me about debates at work. Overall I think it’s great. It’s healthy to engage in dialogue and get excited about a candidate. What bothers me is when it gets downright mean. Some of the celebrities for example have been so hateful and I just get so turned off. I will be glad to discuss any issue, any time in a civil and respectful way; but when you just start spitting venom, it shows a lack of intellectual depth (among other things).
But I digress!:) My point is, I know how divisive politics are, and while I am engaged privately, I always try to leave that part off my blog. Anyone that knows me also knows my passion for life issues. I say that not to be controversial, but to speak the truth as to what matters to me. So anyway, because Ohio is a battleground state, we get spoiled with so many candidates coming to stump! Between Hillary, Barack, Joe Biden, and the McCain/Palin ticket, it seems like someone is always in town! I think that’s pretty neat. Today Jim went to a rally in Green, OH (about 10 minutes from our house). He had to wait for hours but it was a beautiful day and thankfully not too cold! Gretchen Wilson performed and so did Lee Greenwood. Check out how close he was!
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