I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was great, everyone was safe, healthy and happy (you can’t ask for more than that)! The boys got a Wii, Grant got his cowboy bedding and western room decor, and Santa even brought Bakugan’s! We left after opening presents for Georgia. It was a quick trip and I wish we could have stayed longer. The boys didn’t want to leave, they cried! They had the time of their lives. It’s such a beautiful place and even the weather was perfect, one day it was 78 degrees. Friday I went for an early run and just enjoyed the mild temps, the mist hanging in the air, and the beautiful pecan trees. I ran through rows and rows of them (I felt like Forrest Gump)!:)
We crammed alot into a short amount of time but it was all good. Plenty of quality time with family (the boys adore Grammie and Poppa), we went to the Museum of Aviation, and visited a specialty peach farm (they aren’t in season but we loved the peach ice cream)! The highlight was probably visiting Uncle Greg’s and riding horses. Our three little John Wayne’s were in cowboy Heaven! Here are a few pictures:
Hanging out at the barn, ready to ride!
Showing the boys how to put the saddle on:
The only regret is that I wish we would’ve taken more pictures. It was such a special time for them.
I have so much more to write but I’ll have to come back later and update. Vacation has been a blessing for all of us and we are loving every minute. Today is our first day with the Wii. Although, Jim and I call it “leverage”. This morning the boys got up, ate, brushed teeth, made beds, got dressed, and all without me asking more than once! They knew if they did their routine they could play Wii sports. I think it was a good investment already! Lol j/k.
Hey Brooke!, Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL christmas!!!
Love the pics of your cowboys!!
My boys got a game system as well, its been a Great distraction for them during this time off school!
have a awesome new year!
lets get together fo coffee soon!