This has been an interesting week. On Monday I noticed a strange bubble on the floor of my mouth. No biggie, it didn’t hurt, it just felt odd. I am the worst when it comes to going to the doctor (with little ones at home, my priority is them, not sitting in a waiting room). I know it’s not the right mindset to have, and I think I learned my lesson. I went to our family friend/dentist Dr. Julie Thomas and she took one look and immediately sent me to the “Jaw and Facial Surgery Institute”. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Well, it turns out I have a blocked salivary gland and they have to remove it. It’s a pretty significant procedure. I’m fine with all that but what scared me a little was signing the “biopsy consent form”. The doc. said he may send it off if it looks suspicious upon removal. My aunt died of mouth cancer so hearing that was a little unnerving. Although she was a lifelong smoker and I’ve never smoked anything. I’m not worried or anything, it just makes you think. Our bodies are so amazing, it’s pretty incredible they way everything works together and how we can sometimes take our health for granted. The doctor said nothing more causes this other than “bad luck”. Nice.:)
On another note, if you are still scrambling to finish your Christmas shopping, this might help! Over 200+ merchants are offering free shipping and guaranteeing before-Christmas delivery. It’s TODAY ONLY. Check it out at:
Oh, and one more thing. I ended up almost running late this morning because I was so involved in a website I found. You may have heard the story of Anne Rice (author of Interview with a Vampire) and her conversion back to Christianity. We’ve talked about it before but I never actually visited her website, until today. It is so great. What a story, what a journey! It’s really interesting (and inspiring). You can check it out at:
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