My mother-in-law is the queen of freebs and she’s always winning something and getting the scoop on the deals. So I wasn’t surprised when she sent me this link. It’s a fantastic site with tips, coupons, and samples that add up to….zero!:) All good items at no charge. Thanks Grammie, good one!:)
The other big story are the makeup companies giving away free items due to a class action lawsuit. Mark (our news guy) ran across this story earlier in the week. I hightailed it to Macy’s after the show and got a bottle of perfume. Alright!:) At that time they were running low on items but it’s definitely worth a try! Here is a link with all the details.
Now if I could just find a good deal on a nice camera. We have been trying to find a nice DSLR for our family. Our current digital camera is broken (but nothing a few layers of tape can’t fix).:) Still, as we plan for our trip to Rome this year, we’re hoping to upgrade and invest in something we’ll have for a while. My friend Erika is a professional photog. and said Canons are great, user friendly etc. That was helpful but we still can’t choose. I think sometimes the more you research those things, the harder it becomes to actually decide. I want to be educated of course but there are so many reviews, so many brands and opinions that it can become time-consuming. Not that I’m complaining, it’s nice to have such abundance. Besides, I know the moment we buy something, it will be outdated anyway! Lol.:)
Mitzy says
Hey Brooke,
Thanks for the free sites!
We have a canon digital camera.. its a Canon Poweshot A560, They are about 150-200..
They take GREAT pics,. and are super easy to use!
I REALLY want a Nikon D-60, which are so awesome.. But so is their price tage of abouty 800 bucks!…LOL
Someday maybe!
Anonymous says
Hi Brooke,
You mentioned your friend Erika is professional photographer…is this the same Erika you used to work with in WI? I know she takes pictures. My BIL just bought a new digital camera, I don’t remember what kind it is but he found in online.