I am officially on a diet as of today. I know it sounds familiar; I tried to give up chocolate last year and I swore I would do better but fell off the wagon. Well, I am back ON and there’s no stopping me now! Lol. I usually just gauge my weight by how well my clothes fit. If my pants are fitting too tight, then it’s time cut back on sweets and load up on the fruits and veggies. I don’t weigh myself because I know I’m within my limit if my pants are normal. Well, apparently I have stretched out all of my clothing because when I got on the scale, I blew that “limit” by a good 8 pounds! Wowzers. That is depressing. I need to make a game plan though because if I just rely on my willpower I know I’ll cave. Keeping a food diary has worked well for me in the past, but life is so busy now that I don’t know if I’ll be able to maintain it. What I need is a goal. I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, I found some good tips from a mom who lost her baby weight and journaled her experience. Here is what worked for her:
The biggest difference makers…
~ Do Something!!!!
The greatest lesson I’ve learned is that I cannot simply sit around and wait to become the best version of myself. I have to CHOOSE to be that person every single day. Which puts me in control of myself, and the impact I have on the people around me.
~ Yes you have to work at it
This transformation has been one of the most challenging times in my life. However, I learned that I don’t have to be perfect. I’m not perfect. Very relieving….Phew!
Progress not perfection! It’s okay to cut myself some slack, and to realize the enormous task it is to become a mother.
~ Food and Mood
I find that tweaking my diet has had a huge impact! Not just on how quickly my belly and body changed shape, but also my mood is. I no longer have the mood swings I used to!
~Working out 3 times a week is a must – resistance training followed by intervals.
~ Support!!!!
The ONLY thing that can get me back in the saddle when I’ve fallen off, is the support from ClubFYM. I cannot stress enough the importance of having the group behind me.
These women pulled me through the toughest time of my life, struggling with sleepless nights, nursing, and keeping myself accountable. I love them for sticking with me, and dragging me along to the other side
I never imagined I could ever learn to ask for help, and to receive it as well.
Good motivation!
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